Friday, March 8, 2013

A Little Heart Longing

Just a short post for today, as I am worn and weary and drained. I wonder how one can become *this* tired and still function with nine children. God's grace truly is sufficient.

We are still working with the youth, for the moment, and I know there are some who are upset by this. I wish I could find a way to share my heart with these precious people. I wish we could become friends. We still worship together on Sundays, I still smile across the sanctuary, and I sense a coolness that stings just a little.

And so I pray a little harder and my heart aches. I want to be obedient, I want to serve, and yet this division is troubling to me, and I am unsure what should be done about it.

I wrap myself with blankets and try to keep warm and in my heart of hearts, I simply long for peace.

And I know it must begin with me.

So I am looking for opportunities to bless those who have hurt me, to pray for those who have been unkind to me, to love others intentionally.

To be salt and light, to be the God-colors and flavors that season and preserve and make all things beautiful...

In His time.

~amy danielle


  1. You never cease to inspire me to be more like Jesus. Amy, I love your heart and it teaches me so much just to know you.

    1. Cara, I doubt it is possible for me to love you any more than I do. I am so grateful for your friendship and support. ox


Your kind thoughts...