Monday, May 17, 2010

Trusting Treasures

It always amazes me and makes me smile when God takes a simple little scenario in my life and teaches me something from it. I hear His voice in the nitty gritty, wisdom flows through the quotidian.

Today was pay day for our children. They get paid for completing their chores all week long. After doling out dollar bills in different amounts to each child, based on age and difficulty of work, Libby found herself with ten dollars saved. Her daddy made a point of explaining exactly how much that money was, and warned her to be careful with it and not lose it.

She looked unsure.

He asked her if she would like for him to hold it for her. Relief flooded her lovely little girlish face. Yes, she would like that very much.

Aren't our treasures always the safest when we choose to let our Father hold them for us?

More thanks offered up, as I begin listing the gifts I've been recording in my gratitude journal...



Sweet communion

Washing at baptism

Forgiveness, mercy

A good cup of coffee

A kind husband

his smile wrinkles

Eight children- blessings

Good books

A new Bible- ESV



Kindred spirits

Our public library- amazing resource!

Modern appliances- electronic servants- lighter work

For more about counting the gifts, drinking from the joy-elixir, see Ann's beautiful blog. Click the button below.
holy experience

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