Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A-Z poem

I heard EZ use the following A-Z poem in his sermon at a Transformed Conference and thought it was quote worthy! It is in reference to the character of Jesus, and I love it:

To the Artist, He is the Altogether Lovely One.
To the Builder, He is the Chief Cornerstone.
To the Chef, He is the Bread of Life.
To the Doctor, He is the Great Physician.
To the Educator, He is the Master Teacher.
To the Filmmaker, He is the Famous One
To the Geologist, He is the Rock of Ages.
To the Horticulturist, He is the True Vine.
To the Intellectual, He is the Wisdom of God.
To the Jeweler, He is the Pearl of Great Price.
To the King, He is the Prince of Peace.
To the Lawyer, He is the Judge of all the Earth.
To the Manufacturer, He is the Creator of All Things.
To the Newsman, He is the Glad Tidings of Great Joy.
To the Oculist (in search of the light), He is the Light of the World.
To the Philanthropist, He is the Gift of God.
To the Queen, He is the King of Kings.
To the Rabbi, He is The Messiah.
To the Scholar, He is the Truth.
To the Theologian, He is the Author and the Finisher of our Faith.
To the Undertaker, He is the Resurrection and the Life.
To the Visionary, He is the Revelation of God.
To the Waiter, He is the One who came not to be Served but to Serve.
To the X-Ray Technician, He is the Word of God before Whom all things are naked and bare
To the Youth, He is the Life.
To the Zoologist- He is the Lion of Judah, and the Lamb of God

By Emeal Zwayne


  1. I really enjoyed reading the posts on your blog. I would like to invite you to come on over to my blog and check it out. God's blessings too you. Lloyd

  2. Fab poem, I have never come across this one before, thank you x.


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