Monday, August 30, 2010

Be Encouraged

This will be one of those rare, short blog posts with few words. But it is meant to be an encouragement. For I have recently seen with new eyes how hard we are driven to the empty praise of men, to their acceptance and accolades.

If you write, blog, paint, or in some other creative way open yourself in vulnerability to bless others, be content with the audience God has given you, and TRUST He uses every word to sow seeds, though you may not see where or how they grow. I am reminded of a line in one of my favorite films, Little Women, where little Amy encourages older sister Meg. She says, "You do not need scores of suitors. You only need one, if he's the right one." And I say to you- you only need do anything in your life for an audience of ONE.

You do not need hundreds of followers, lots of encouraging feedback, awards.

You need His nod. And that is all.

A special word to mothers:

Precious ladies, your work is largely behind the scenes, unseen. What you do in secret will be shouted from the roof tops. Your children will arise and call you blessed. You will reap if you do not give up. Be encouraged. I am grateful that you are faithfully working in the lives of your little ones. Your work does not go unnoticed, though it may seem that way at times. Bless, bless, bless you all. In Jesus name.

For He Himself took a little child into His arms, and told His disciples, whoever receives a small childlike this in my name, receives ME.

Receive Jesus today.


Your kind thoughts...