Monday, November 11, 2013

Thank You

It was a happy surprise this morning when my husband walked in the door at 8:30ish and told me he had the day off. I miss him when he's at work and he helps with homeschooling when he's here. Especially with Libby's phonics. I taught our first four children to read and asked him to teach Libby because she is so resistant and I just don't want to fight about it with her everyday. I am so grateful he has taken that on.

I took Andrew to the doctor today. He is having another horrible cold sore outbreak and they prescribe this fabulous antiviral medication that helps him greatly. Thankfully, the appointment was nice and quick. The pharmacy, on the other hand, took ages to fill his prescription. They told us we would have at least a 45 minutes wait, so I took the opportunity to take my son to lunch for a little one on one time.

I enjoy Andrew. Our relationship is sweet. I know that so many people say the teen years are a nightmare, but really, I adore my teenagers.

We talked and ate lunch and shared a ginormous slice of cheesecake and we both let our eyes roll back in our heads because it was THAT good.

And he told me, "Thank you mom, for taking me here." Simple words of appreciation and gratitude. I wonder how often I do that with God. Just tell Him thank you, for the little things, recognizing all good gifts come from Him. A good reminder.

1 comment:

  1. I do think we all have certain ages of children that we enjoy the most. Like you, I really enjoy teenagers, especially 15-17 year olds. I've enjoyed my older children more and more, love getting to know them as young adults and interacting with them on more of an even level, and do not at all regret their passing out of childhood. It's fun to look back on when they were little, but honestly I recall feeling so very TIRED.


Your kind thoughts...