Thursday, February 5, 2015


I woke up at 6 a.m. and managed to convince my husband to buy me a chicken, egg and cheese biscuit from McDonalds. Then I took my medication and drank a cup of coffee and went back to sleep. I've read that if you consume caffeine before napping, you wake up more alert. This seemed to work semi-well.

I talked to my dear, sweet friend Robyn on the phone. She always cheers me up and never ceases to be a source of encouragement to me. Her theology is sound and she keeps me grounded when I feel like I'm holding on to one too many helium balloons and getting ready to lift off the ground.

Another friend of mine, Norma, picked me up for lunch and refused (as she always does) to let me help pay. She picked me up at 11 and I got home slightly after 4. Time flies when we talk. I shared with her a lot of the things rotting on my insides and she still loves me which makes me love her even more. She's a little on the sassy side, while I adore, and she faithfully points me back to Jesus and Scripture and truth. She is a God-send. I've felt so lost these last few years, filled with so much anger and frustration and questions- oh the questions! It's enough to drive a sane girl crazy and I'm not sure I started out with a full deck so there you have it.

We stopped by Sally's so I could get the paraffin wax tub I've been drooling over. It's supposed to do all kinds of wonderful things for your joints, especially for people with arthritis, it benefits circulatory problems, and it makes your skin super duper soft, on top of it all. I figured it was worth a try. I got peach scented wax and it comes in huge blocks, which are currently in the melting process so I can pamper myself tonight.

I made myself a hybrid pot of tea, with one part Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Sunset and one part Tazo Chai. I added the tiniest drop of half and half and some of my Cara's crack addict sugar mix. She sent me the tiniest jar at Christmas and I am about halfway through with it and beginning to panic, because HOW WILL I EVER GO BACK TO THE DAYS I DIDN'T HAVE THIS TANTALIZING MIXTURE OF AWESOME?? I texted her about this and she suggested I make more myself. I'M NOT EVEN KIDDING. And I thought she knew and loved me. Sniff. Obviously part of why it tastes so good is because it is special and she makes it and I just can't ruin the whole thing by doing it by myself. Obviously. Humph.

The weather was decent today; still a little cool but sunny, and no rain. Still, my hands and toes are freezing from Raynaud's. I've been told they sell battery powered socks at Bass Pro shops, I never go there, but I will check it out on line. For now, I am trying to stay warm under my electric blanket. Trever is making breakfast burritos for dinner for our kiddos and while I usually love them, they sound unappetizing to me tonight, so he is taking me out for Mexican.

In other news, we got our tax return and paid off three credit cards and have enough left over to replace our jacked up dishwasher. We still have two credit cards left, but I'd say we just made a leap in the right direction. And now we will have more money each paycheck to get those other two paid down. Fingers crossed.

I don't know where God is leading me but at least now, finally, I can tell I am being led by Him. He is not safe, but He is good, as C.S. Lewis accurately describes in his famous Chronicles of Narnia.


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